Prize Settings
The First Price: 100 USD Amazon Gift Card.
The Second Price: 50 USD Amazon Gift Card.
How to take part in the activity
1. Share your photography on social platforms(Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin) and remember to follow and tag DeyeInMyLife.
2. Your photos/videos should include the Deye Inverter.
3. Necessary information: The plant location, the Inverter model used, the Capacity of PV, the Capacity of Battery(if there's battery installed), the name of the plant owner.
4. If your photos or vidoes are accepted, we will send you 50 USD-100USD Amazon Gift Card as a return.
5. Provide high-quality photos and videos will greatly increase your probability of winning the prize.
6. The campaign is effective now and until December 31st, 2023.
Activity Participation Rules
1. You must own the copyright of the stories/photos/videos you shared. If you take part in this activity is deemed to authorize Deye Inverter to use the stories/videos/photos that you shared for commercial & promotional purpose.
2. Your account names on social media platforms may be disclosed by Deye Inverter for the purpose of announcing the award list.
3. The same photo can be awarded only once.
4. If your entry wins, we will inform you and give you the prize within a week.
5. Amazon gift cards cannot be transferred for cash.
6. The final interpretation right of this event belongs to Deye Inverter.